10 Can’t Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | The Milestone Photo Series | 4-Year Olds

September 4, 2020

We are nearing the end of our milestone photo series with 4-year olds. Four year olds are often in preschool, communicating well with family and friends, dressing independently, and understanding concepts at a whole new level.

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds
Photo Courtesy of Rad Exposure | Phoenix, AZ

If you have missed the first 8 posts in our series, scroll to the bottom of this post for links to all the previous milestone photos to take of your kiddos. We start with newborns and will go all the way to 5-years old in next week’s final post. You can print ALL 100 milestone photos to take by clicking the image below!

The Ultimate Checklist | 10 Can't Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | Newborn to Age 5

1. Preschool or Pre-K First Days

“Big kid school” has been one of the most exciting times for my kiddos. They love getting their school supplies, their backpacks, and getting to feel like a real big kid.

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

2. Drawing a Picture of Him/Herself

I LOVE capturing photos of 4-year olds drawing a picture of themselves. First just a head and face that develops to including a body and limbs as they grow and develop.

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

3. Doing Motion Songs (Like Itsy Bitsy Spider)

Four-year-olds love singing and motion. Itsy Bitsy Spider, I’m a Little Teapot and The Wheels on the Bus are all big hits with preschool age.

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

4. Using Scissors, Painting or Art Projects

Preschoolers love art of all kinds! Markers, painting, crayons, cutting, watercolors, and play-dough are all the most fun for them as they learn.

5. First Sports

By age 4 or 5, many kids have the opportunity to play sports. Soccer, dance, t-ball and more are all options to start learning fundamentals and get out the boundless energy of a 4-year old.

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

6. Playing Board Games

First board games are usually meant for ages 3 and 4. My daughter, Kami, especially LOVED board games, and we played all the time. Such a fun bonding time!

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

7. Buckling Car Seat Alone

A milestone of independence, buckling the car seat “all by myself” sure does make preschoolers proud!

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

8 & 9. Buttoning Shirts and Zipping Coats Independently

The age of 4 is really about independence and all the things she can do on her own! Getting dressed? Yep! Buttons, snaps, zippers? No problem!

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds

10. Writing Letters or Name

Finally, 4-years old (sometimes a bit sooner) is the age where kiddos start to write legible letters and start writing their name. So fun!

Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds
Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds
Photo Courtesy of Rad Exposure | Phoenix, AZ
Photos To Take of 4-Year Olds
Photo Courtesy of Rad Exposure | Phoenix, AZ

The Full Series









4-Years (This post!)


The Ultimate Checklist | 10 Can't Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | Newborn to Age 5
  • 76