Can you believe that we are already on the Part 4 in our milestone photo series? This week we are looking at 9-month photos to take of your growing babe! If you missed the previous posts, scroll down to see photos to take at the newborn, 3-month and 6-month stage. Or…click the image below for 10 Can’t Miss Photos at Every Stage from newborn to 5-years old, 100 total milestones to capture!

Your little guy is learning to do so many things and has a bubbling personality! What a fun age to capture! 9-month photos show what your kiddo can do and also show big faces and big smiles!

1. Standing Up to Objects or Furniture
Your little one could be walking at 9-months but most likely she is not, not yet. Very likely he is pulling up to stand on furniture or can stand if you lean him up to a chair or ottoman. Capture those strong little legs before they are strong enough to run off from you!

2. Clapping
Most likely your little nugget is doing all sorts of things with her hands! 9-month olds are often waving, clapping, pointing and more. I love to capture this, especially when you can photograph a little blur in the hands to really show that clap in motion.

3. Favorite Lovies or Toys
Does your princess have a favorite blanket, lovey or stuffy? Does the little prince always gravitate to the same toys to put in his mouth? Sometimes those loveys are around a long time (think about your kiddo tucking that blanket shred in his bag to head off to college) and a photo of him with it as a baby is just special.

4. Picking Up Toys or Tiny Objects
As your nugget gets better with her hands, she will start picking up all sorts of toys and literally everything she finds on the ground! Raisins, beads, pennies….keep a close eye because she can find them and pick them up now!

5. Peek a Boo
Who doesn’t LOVE to play peek a boo with a baby?!?! It is seriously the most fun to make a baby smile! I love to use a peek a boo game to get a baby to smile during a session, and moms and dads can’t help but swoon!

6. Interacting with Family or Siblings
9-month olds are really interacting with family, playing, and noticing everything! I love to make sure I photograph those family activities like playing with sisters, taking a family bike ride and playing with daddy’s beard.

7. Crawling
Baby is on the move! 9-month olds are likely crawling, scooting, army crawling, or some version of all three to get themselves around. If your babe has a special way of getting around or is simply crawling, get that baby in motion!

8. Feeding Himself/Herself Finger Foods
After my first daughter, all of my other kiddos were feeding themselves COMPLETELY at 8-9 months old. They watched those big kids eating on their own and wanted nothing to do with baby food and being spoon-fed by mama. I am definitely glad to capture their tiny hands feeding all by themselves!

9 and 10. Pointing, Waving, and Using Hands
Your little baby can do so many things now! We already talked about clapping and peek a boo. She can most likely point, wave bye bye, turn the pages in books, give high fives, and do so many other things she could never do before. Capture it all!

The Full Series
9-Months (This post!)

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