10 Can’t Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage
I am super excited to start this milestone photo series! Over the next 10 weeks (yes TEN!), I am going to share 10 can’t miss photos to take at every stage starting with newborns all the way through age 5. If you have a baby, this post is totally for you. Even if you have a preschooler, this is a great way to make sure you capture those special and new things your kiddo can do. Know someone having a baby? This is a great checklist to tuck away and refer back to over and over again.
We spend so much time with our kiddos (and especially now, since this is being written in the middle of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic), that sometimes we don’t notice those new things they can do. First steps, we usually notice. 🙂 But sometimes those smaller things like being able to hold a toy all by herself of starting to draw a picture of himself with body parts instead of just a big circle head. These moments are special too! And pretty amazing!
Alright, so let’s get started with our sweet newborn stage! Little baby comes home from the hospital and doesn’t do much but sleep and eat, right? Wrong! Here are some perfect things to capture of your sweet newborn, and things I love to capture during in-home newborn sessions too!
1. Yawns

Babies are so tired! It is hard work growing and learning everything about life on this planet. Yawns are the sweetest and make everyone’s heart melt. If nothing else, you need a yawning photo.
2. Gassy Smiles

Ahhh…to capture a newborn smiling! Now, we all know that they aren’t really smiling, and it is only gas, but it feels amazing to witness anyway. If you know that your baby often gets a little smile after eating, right before waking up, or first thing in the morning, keep your phone close and snap that photo!
3. Tiny Parts (Fingernails, Feet, Eyelashes)

Don’t forget to get in close for those itty bitty baby parts! Never will those fingernails, toes, eyelashes, ears be that small again and they grow SO fast! The best way to capture tiny parts with a cell phone is to get close in good light, be very still (think holding your elbows against your body to stabilize or even using a mini camera tripod), and touch the part of the screen you want to focus so you don’t miss it.

4. Funny Faces

Alright, no judgement since this was 9 years ago, but this is a scrapbook page I made of my oldest son in that first month after he was born. He made SO MANY funny faces that I just had to capture them. (And yes, I love to scrapbook even though I am pretty behind after back to back kiddos!)
5. Hair (or lack there of!)

Get down low and capture the top of baby’s little head! Whether he has a head full of hair or she is bald as a cue ball, that hair starts to fall out in weird places, grow crazy in others, and will keep changing a lot so capture it now.
6. Feeding Time

Whether bottle feeding or nursing, your babe is going to be spending A LOT of time eating. I love capturing nursing photos of my moms during our sessions if she is down with it. If not, that’s okay too, but think about capturing those images just for you. If Dad, big brother, or grandma is helping with bottle feeding, definitely snap some shots of that little eater with family.
7. First Bath

Whether first bath in the hospital (maybe during a Fresh 48 session if visitors are allowed in the hospital when you have your baby), or first bath at home, capturing baby’s reaction is perfect. Some babies, like my youngest son above, are super relaxed during their bath. Some hate it. Either way, a fun milestone to capture, especially since you are likely to have many bathtub pictures in the future!
8. First Family Meetings

This one might seem obvious but, even as a photographer, I would frequently forget to get out my camera when new people came to meet my little ones. I would be so in the moment (and the sleep deprivation) that I would simply forget. So, set out that camera or phone and don’t forget to grab first photos with grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles, cousins, and best friends. Don’t forget furry friends too!
9. Special Toys or Gifts

Did grandma make a special quilt or afghan? Is grandpa a word-worker and made a custom crib or cradle? Did auntie write a special note to your little cherub and put it in a memory book? Whatever the case may be, make sure to get photos of that special item with your tiny babe.

10. Baby’s Hand Holding your Finger

Newborns have a little reflex to grip whatever is inside their hand. Put your finger in her hand, and she will grip it. And anyone who has had this ever happen warmed in their heart! Grab a photo of the memory to never forget!
Well, friends, that wraps it up! 10 can’t miss milestone photos of your newborn! Stay tuned next week for 3 month milestone photos to capture or download the full checklist by clicking the image below!
The Full Series
Newborns (This post!)
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