10 Can’t Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | The Milestone Photo Series | 18-Month Olds

August 14, 2020

Well, hello, there! AZ Photographer, Lori Oberbroeckling, here if we have not met before! Welcome to Part 6 of our 10-part milestone photo series. Today we are going to check out some great milestones to capture of your 18-month old! No longer a baby, your 18-month old is likely walking, running, climbing and learning new things every day. Your 18-month old is not only mastering major muscle activities, he is also perfecting finer muscle tasks like doing puzzles and eating with a spoon. Toddler-life, we have arrived!

We are certainly sailing along in this series, but just in case you missed the start, scroll to the bottom of this post for links to our first 5 articles. We cover best milestones to photograph of your newborn, 3-month old, 6-month old, 9-month old and 1-year old.

The Ultimate Checklist | 10 Can't Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | Newborn to Age 5

1. Pretend Play (ie. Feeding babies, dress up or driving cars)

Watching your little ones act like big ones is just so sweet! From feeding baby dolls to playing dress up, toddlers start to have more developed imaginations and pretend.

18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling
Motorcycle Riding Baby by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling

2. Throwing Fits

Fits are paramount for the toddler! She knows what she wants, but she can’t always communicate it well yet. Cue massive meltdown!

In the moment, it feels like madness, but it is fleeting. I promise you will laugh at this someday (someday).

18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling

3. Scribbling or Coloring

Toddlers are starting to love art, coloring (scribbling), painting, markers, all of it! If it is colorful and messy, they love it!

4. Climbing Stairs or Jungle Gyms

Your 18-month old is learning so many new things! They are walking up stairs, climbing all over the jungle gym, and on-the-move like never before!

18-Month Milestone Photos

5. Eating with a Spoon

They may not do it well, but most 18-month olds want to eat just like mom and dad using a spoon and even a fork too!

6. Stacking Blocks

Your little princess is getting more agile with her movements, so she is able to stack blocks big and small!

18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling

7. Talking on the Phone

18-month olds love to be like mom and dad! Wouldn’t you know they love to talk on the phone (real or pretend!)!

18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling

8. Doing Puzzles

Board puzzles are fun for toddlers and make precious photos!

9. Talking Off Clothes (or Putting on Someone Else’s!)

At 18-months, toddlers can’t get themselves fully dressed just yet. But if they can take if off or put it on, they will! Mom’s shoes, Dad’s shoes, diapers, socks, you name it!

18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling
18-Month Milestone Photos by AZ Photographer Lori Oberbroeckling

10. Dancing

Who doesn’t love a good dance party! Get your little one, get dancing, and capture that fun!

The Full Series






18-Months (This post!)





If you are new to the blog, definitely also check out recent sessions, what to wear ideas and color schemes, and more!

The Ultimate Checklist | 10 Can't Miss Photos to Take at Every Stage | Newborn to Age 5
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