Disney Zombies | Family Halloween Costume

September 1, 2020

In 2018, the kids were really about done with my family Halloween costume plan. They wanted to be their own characters and pick their own costumes. At age 9, 7, 5 and 3, I understood that they wanted Halloween to be theirs. However, we would still come up with fun family ideas as we talked about everyone’s plan for their own personal costume.

Enter the Disney Zombie idea. I can’t remember which kiddo thought that it would be fun for us all to be Zombies from the Disney Zombies movie. Once this idea was in the world, the kids were SOLD! They loved the idea and started deciding who would be Zed and Zoey and Bonzo.

I was swayed, and we scoured thrift stores to find our grey and dark green color schemed clothes with pops of maroon, just like the movie. We cut and frayed and hot glued felt and came up with a pretty fun costume plan!

I think they turned out pretty awesome and our neighbors and friends thought our family Halloween costume was great (we wore it to two parties and to a “Boo Bingo” night at the kid’s school, so we got a lot of use out of a really cheap costume plan!)! My only regret is not getting photos with my “real” camera so the images are not the best. Still totally worth sharing!

Check it out!

Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea
Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea
Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea
Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea
Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea
Disney Zombies | Fun Family Halloween Costume Idea

Want to see our full round-up of family Halloween costume ideas? Check those out at the link below!

Family Halloween Costumes | Creative and Fun for Large Families
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[…] Disney Zombies | Family Halloween Costume • LORI•O•PHOTO September 4, 2020 at 5:25 pm REPLY […]