Why 2020 is the Year of the In-Home Photography Session

July 27, 2020

A few months ago, my 10-year old daughter was asking me lots of questions about COVID-19 and quarantine and masks and all the things. She said, “I have never seen anything like this in my whole life!” LOL! Sister, I am 40 and have never seen anything like this in MY whole life!

2020 is certainly a year that most of us–unless you are 100-years-old and were alive during the Spanish Flu–have never encountered. We have spent more time at home than ever before!

So, why is 2020 the year of the in-home photography session?

So Much Time at Home: Documenting the Year No One Imagined

You have literally spent hours and days at home. Working at home, playing at home, school at home. Maybe you loved it or maybe it was a total drag. NO MATTER WHAT, it is a time to document and a time to remember!

Home Improvements

Sales at companies like Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Ace Hardware are up for 2020 despite the pandemic? Why? People are home and making their homes better. Why not have photographs of your family in your newly renovated or newly refreshed space?

We personally re-did our backyard and our play room. I can’t want to have photos in our home and show off these spaces with the family I adore.

Memories for Your Kiddos

Like I already said, our kids are blown away by 2020. We, as adults, are equally in shock. Just because it is not the year we thought it would be, and certainly not the year we wanted, we must have photos to remember. Your kiddos will want to see what life looked like in the time of the pandemic. Can you imagine them showing THEIR kids and grandkids? We owe it to them to photograph this unexpected year.

Think an in home photography session might be for you? We should totally talk. 🙂

Want to see an in-home session in action? Check one out here!

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[…] Want to know why I think 2020 is truly the year of the in-home session? Check out this post! […]